Christmas Hamper Appeal – Update

November 30, 2017

Julie Cullen and her colleague Leanne from Connect Network have visited St. Aidan’s to work with a group of year 12 pupils to show how they want the Christmas Hampers to be packed.

The 12 pupils had a busy hour packing the hampers full of goodies from a well-stocked cupboard full of donations from the St. Aidan’s community. After one hour there were 11 hampers ready to be delivered as gifts of love to someone in need in the Sunderland community this Christmas.

A great start, our aim is to fill 25-30 hampers, so we would like more donations please.

Can we thank all those who have donated – some families delivering bags of food, others a spare tin or jar, no matter how big or small every donation will make a difference this Christmas.



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