“Science education is one of the keys to social mobility. Science qualifications open the doors to many rewarding and interesting careers, and scientific literacy is critically important to being an informed citizen. Science is the most powerful method humans have for understanding the world, and science teachers in secondary schools lay the foundations of that understanding. When asked why they chose to continue their study of science, most pupils mention an inspiring teacher”. Sir John Holman At St Aidan’s we believe that Science has something to offer every pupil and suits pupils of all abilities and aspirations. Our ambition is to develop pupils’ experience and knowledge of Science from Primary school and to equip them with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. Children are naturally curious and we encourage this inquisitive nature throughout their time with us and beyond. In order to achieve this, the curriculum is broad and balanced and Science is contextualised. In engaging in these activities all pupils are encouraged to develop their imagination and understanding by applying scientific understanding to observed phenomena. The Science curriculum equips pupils with the skills necessary to specialize at Sixth Form, and to pursue Science at University, or as part of a high-quality career.
Curriculum Intention:
“Science education should enhance learners’ curiosity, wonder and questioning, building on their natural inclination to seek meaning and understanding of the world around. Scientific inquiry should be introduced and encountered by school pupils as an activity that can be carried out by everyone including themselves”. Wynne Harlen
- Develop and embed knowledge that can empower pupils to choose among the most competitive and selective vocations
- Developing investigation skills so pupils can confidently demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of designing, carrying out and evaluating scientific investigations.
- Support the fundamental skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening and numeracy throughout the science curriculum
- Develop the importance of STEAM and STEAM careers using enrichment opportunities so pupils can understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future
- Understanding science in context to the wider world and provide opportunities for pupils to explore science outside of the day to day teaching.
- Through the use of scaffolding within lessons, small steps and no restrictions we ensure that all learners, including the most disadvantaged pupils and pupils with addition learning needs, are provided with the same knowledge, skills and cultural capital they require for future learning and employment
Curriculum Design
BCCET EYFS-KS2 Science Curriculum Narrative
BCCET EYFS-KS2 Science Overview
St. Aidan’s Science Progression Map
St Aidan’s Biology Learning Journey
St. Aidan’s Chemistry learning journey
St. Aidan’s Physics Learning Journey
Course information
GCSE Science Course Information
For more information about our sixth form course provision please follow the link below:
Courses « St. Anthony’s & St. Aidan’s Catholic Sixth Form (
Curriculum Implementation:
“It is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree – make sure you understand the fundamental principles, i.e. the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to hang on to”. Elon Musk
There are 9 overarching themes (Key Ideas) across the Science curriculum which are taught over time sequentially to develop scientific knowledge and skills from Year 6 to A-level and beyond. The curriculum is further built around a process of interweaving topics, self-testing and re-testing to aid the development of long-term memory and mastery of both the skills and the knowledge required. We ensure we consistently follow our assessment handbook by testing through two frequent processes: formative and summative. Pupils’ complete low stake and high-stake tests to ensure knowledge of key concepts are embedded and fully understood. DIRT time is allocated to allow pupils to reflect on feedback in order to bridge knowledge gaps. The curriculum is structured to allow pupils to see, understand, revisit and explore the underpinning ideas from the subject. The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils and everyone can achieve, whether disadvantaged, have English as an additional language or additional learning needs. Each of the Science disciplines are enriched with practical work to support investigative skills throughout the 7 years.
In Biology the 3 main areas cover:
Structure and function of organisms– This key concept explores the cellular basis of organisms and the organisation of cells in order for an organism to function. This builds on the work done in primary school where pupils learn about living and non-living things and explore systems such as skeletal, digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems. Pupils make a smooth transition into Year 7 by systems by studying the musculoskeletal system, this is studied within the KS2 curriculum. This concept is re-visited in Year 7 when studying plant and animal cells and again in Year 8 where pupils further explore the digestive systems and enzymes, Gas exchange systems, reproductive systems and health and disease. At GCSE pupils uncover the world of eukaryotes and prokaryotes, cell cycle and division, STEM cells, cloning, various human systems and plant organs. The understanding of cells and systems is an essential pillar in Biology and understanding how organisms’ function.
Materials, Interactions and Energy– This key concept is based on the idea that organisms require a supply of energy and materials for which they depend on, or compete with other organisms. During primary school, pupils learn about habitats, food chains, environmental change. Again, to aid a smooth transition into secondary school this concept is again explored in Year 7 where pupils learn about communities and habitats and ecosystems, energy from digestion, movement of substances in Year 8 and plants and photosynthesis in Year 9. At GCSE, this links to the digestive system, bioenergetics and ecology units as well as the teaching of transport and exchange.
Diversity of organisms– This deepens the knowledge from primary school whereby pupils explore reproduction in some plants and animals along with a basic understanding of evolution and inheritance. Genetic information is passed down from one generation of organisms to another and the diversity of organisms is the result of evolution. As this is a more conceptually challenging idea, pupils first come across this key concept in Year 8 when studying sexual reproduction. The basic idea of DNA, genes and inheritance is taught in Year 9 and re-visited in more depth in Year 10 and 11, when pupils have already been taught and understand cells, cell cycle, cell division, STEM cells. We build on and broaden that knowledge by studying Reproduction, variation & inheritance including DNA and genetic engineering. In primary school pupils can classify organisms which forms the basis of the Key Concept knowledge- looking at the importance of classification in allowing scientists to identify, group, and properly name organisms via a standardized system, evolution helps us understand the purpose and reasons for our physiology and anatomy.
In Chemistry the 3 main areas cover:
Particles & Bonding-
The key concept is that all matter in the Universe is made of very small particles. Pupils will encounter states of matter at key stage 2, and they will begin their chemistry journey at St Aidan’s by further investigating these states and by being introduced to the particle model of matter; a fundamental concept that they need throughout both their chemistry and physics journey. In year 8, pupils will begin exploring the periodic table and that all elements are made up of atoms, and that these can be rearranged and combined to form compounds. In year 10, pupils will begin to appreciate that science is always evolving and the model of the atom and the periodic table discovered during study in year 8 has changed over time. Pupils will look at a number of models of the atom and learn what investigations led to these developments. After pupils have grasped an understanding of the Periodic table, atoms, elements and compounds. The next concept in this area is that chemical and physical properties of materials can be explained by the arrangement of atoms, ions or molecules and the forces between them. In year 11 they will then look to bring all of this knowledge together and apply it to specific compounds when they look at organic chemistry.
Chemical reactions
The key concept is that reactions involve the rearrangement and/or re-organisation of atoms and/or the transfer of electrons. It is built-on during the whole curriculum as there are many different chemical reactions throughout the science curriculum. In primary school pupils explore reversible and irreversible changes and some chemical reactions along with properties of materials. Acids and alkalis are explored in Year 8 and in Year 9 pupils will begin to explore the reactions of metals and fuels, before looking at the energy involved in chemical reactions; exothermic and endothermic reactions. They will link this learning to concepts discovered in physics; conservation of energy before linking this to a fundamental in chemistry, conservation of mass. In year 10, pupils learn about chemical changes; they will look further into the reactions of acids and see how this links with the reactions of acids as they begin to explore the formation of ‘salts’; ionic substances made during the reactions of metals and metal compounds with acids. In year 11, pupils will build on their prior learning and begin investigating the more difficult concepts in GCSE chemistry; electrolysis and calculation of energy changes during reactions using given bond enthalpy values – something that they will have the opportunity to develop further if they choose to go on to A-level chemistry.
Materials & Systems
The concept is that Earth is a complex and interacting rock, water, air and life. From primary school, pupils gain knowledge of the rock cycle, water cycle, atmospheric gases and pollutants linked to climate change. The Earth’s atmosphere and rocks are studied in greater depth during Year 7 and further embedded in Year 9 and 10 where pupils will look at sustainability, using resources and potable water. Throughout this learning, pupils will make links with the Biology curriculum when pupils look at ecosystems and biodiversity.
In Physics the 3 main areas cover:
The first physics key concept is forces can be a quantitative description of an interaction that causes a change in an object’s motion or shape. Forces can directly affect objects or affect them from a distance. Pupils in primary school explore contact and non-contact forces and how mechanisms allow forces to have a greater effect. In Year 7 this idea is explored further; exploring resultant forces and the solar system. Electrostatics, Space, vectors, pressure and magnetism are explored in depth during times in Year 9-11.
The key concept is that a system possesses energy if it has the ability to do work. Energy is a scalar quantity, abstract and cannot always be perceived and given meaning through calculation. The total amount of energy in the Universe is always the same but can be transferred from one energy store to another during an event. In primary school pupils explore heating and cooling, light and electricity which is built upon in Years 7, 8 and 9. In Year 8 pupils explore energy and their stores in depth which links to the topics in Year 11 where pupils explore waves in greater depth; linked to light, sound and seismic waves and black-body radiation.
Builds on the key concept that all matter is composed of tiny indivisible particles too small to see. These particles do not share the properties of the material they make up. There is nothing in the space between the particles that make up matter. The particles which make up matter are in constant motion in all physical states. In primary school, pupils experience lots of practical work on solids, liquids and gases linked with the water cycle. Pupils spend time in Year 9 looking at density, changes of state which is linked with Chemistry and pressure which is linked with Year 10 Forces. Year 10 Internal energy and particle motion of gases are studied in greater depth which link to work studied at Year 8 on Energy stores and transfers.
These areas will be assessed through the following Assessment Objectives:
AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: scientific ideas; scientific techniques and procedures
AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of: scientific ideas; scientific enquiry, techniques and procedures
AO3: Analyse information and ideas to: interpret and evaluate; make judgements and draw conclusions; develop and improve experimental procedures.
Curriculum Impact:
‘If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants’. Isaac Newton
St Aidan’s Catholic Academy considers the greatest impact of the curriculum to be high rates of pupil progress.
Progress in:
- Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics;
- Understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science, through different types of scientific enquiry that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
- Applying observational, practical, modelling, enquiry, problem-solving skills and mathematical skills, both in the laboratory, in the field and in other environments;
- The ability to evaluate claims based on science through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
- The use of scientific vocabulary, units, symbols and nomenclature
- Development of socio-scientific discussions
- Understand how to access the appropriate next stages in education, training or work life.