Year 7 University Visit

September 7, 2018

On Friday 7th September our new Year 7s all travelled to Newcastle University to experience their campus, opportunities and options available to them.

We were met off the bus by Newcastle University Ambassadors. They escorted us into one of their lecture theatres where our experience began.

We were given an overview of Newcastle University, their facilities, the many different types courses offered, clubs, societies, social events. We were shocked to find 24,000 students attend the University.

We the explored the Universit-tree. The boys looked at their ideal job, what degrees it would need, what A levels would be required and they also considered the GCSEs which would be needed to study those A Levels. They were even challenged to think that subjects they enjoy now could be what they study at uni in 7 years time.

The next activity was eye opening! The student suitcase: what would you take with you to university. A gaming console featured high on the list however food and clothes didn’t! Our students eyes were opened to working within budgets – soon realising how much different items such as toothpaste, TV License and mobile phones actually cost.

We then had a tour of the vast campus which allowed the boys to the different subject and social areas. Some beautiful building, some even stood on the ‘graduation spot’. We wonder how many of them will stand on it for real in the future!

After lunch we completed a Higher Education Investigation. Students cracked the codes to unveil university courses and other universities around the world.

Thank you to Newcastle University for having us and to the Ambassadors for looking after us.

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