Y7 CLIMB – Mayor of Sunderland visits St Aidan’s Catholic Academy

June 20, 2019

On Thursday 20th June 2019, St Aidan’s academy held their first annual CLIMB awards. The event was a chance to come together as a community to celebrate the hard work and commitment shown by year 7 students in successfully reaching ‘Camp 1’; the first in a series of milestones of the CLIMB programme.

The programme is designed to develop the interests and abilities of our students, and to support each in their climb to the top of their mountains. Throughout the year, students have involved themselves in a wide range of challenges and activities from each of the five core areas of CLIMB, and today their efforts were recognised.

The event was a huge success, with a large number of parents and members of the community in attendance to watch the boys being presented with certificates and awards by the Mayor of Sunderland. Well done year 7!

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