School Uniform
Uniform is one of our 6 Learning Habits of Excellence and therefore uniform should comply with our clear uniform code at all times. This is because we want pupils at St Aidan’s Catholic Academy to be proud and to feel part of our community. The dress code applies both within school and on the journey to and from school.
- Pupil must be dressed properly in full school uniform.
- Haircuts must be professional. Steps, undercuts, tramlines or any pattern shaved into the hair or hair dye are not permitted. No lines in eyebrows.
- Trainers and boots must not be worn only formal black leather shoes, no suede.
- Black or dark grey socks only.
- House Badges should be worn on Left Lapel.
- Shirts tucked in at all times.
- Ties should be fastened up to the neck properly and reasonable length.
- Coats should not be worn indoors and removed immediately on entry to the building.
- Jewellery is not allowed in the Academy and will be confiscated for collection at the end of the school day by the pupil: wrist watches are allowed – no smart watches.
- Every pupil should have a bag to carry books and equipment to and from school every day.
- Pupils should be properly equipped for every lesson.
- Pupils must bring the correct kit and equipment for PE and practical lessons.
Every pupil should have a bag to carry books and equipment to and from school every day.
Please note: Polo shirts, jeans, flare/fashion trousers, trainers, plimsolls, boots and jewellery are not acceptable.
PE / Games Kit
Pupils must bring the correct kit and equipment for PE and practical lessons.
PE Kit (Indoor):
- Trainers
- St Aidan’s Socks
- Black Shorts or black jogging bottoms (no logos)
- Yellow T-Shirt
Games Kit (Outdoor):
- Boots
- Shin-Pads
- St Aidan’s Socks
- Black Shorts or black jogging bottoms (no logos)
- Black 1/4 zip top (non-branded with no logos) or Black/Amber Rugby Top
Plain black shorts, socks and jogging bottoms can be purchase from any uniform shop and many local supermarkets. Full PE kit can also be purchased from Total Sport NE.
To maintain standards we ask for your co-operation regarding hairstyles. Haircuts must be professional. Steps, undercuts, tramlines or any pattern shaved into the hair or hair dye are not permitted. No lines in eyebrows.
Outdoor coats should be suitable for adverse weather conditions. Tracksuit and hooded tops are not acceptable. Coats should not be worn indoors and removed immediately on entry to the building.
St Aidan’s Uniform Policy 2024 – 2025
We hold a small amount of nearly new uniform in school. Please contact your sons Head of House if you would like to access this.
The following local charities also run a uniform exchange service:
Community School Clothing Scheme.
14 Fawcett Street, Sunderland.SR1 1SE.
Telephone. 07305846094.
Opening hours. Monday to Friday. 9am – 1pm.