Top Tips for Pupils

1. Speak to someone.  This may be a teacher or a friend.  You can report bullying to any member of staff or speak to one of the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

2. Tell someone at home.

3. Keep a diary or record of what is happening, when and who was there – were there any witnesses?

4. Keep any evidence – take a photo if your things are damaged or you have an injury.

5. If you have had some extremely unpleasant or dangerous experience online you can contact CEOP.  Do not reply to the nasty or cruel message, but don’t delete it – this is evidence. Keep the evidence by saving it or taking a screen shot.

Remember – there is always a way to work through a situation.  We are here to help.

Our pupils version of our Anti-Bullying Policy is below:

Anti bullying Policy – Pupils

The video below may also be useful:

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