Tremendous Transition

July 8, 2019

What a week we have had!

Year 6 have never stopped (neither have the staff). The Upper Room was crammed with faces of intrigue and fascination as assemblies on our core values and 6 learning habits were delivered by various members of staff to ensure our newest recruits are fully prepared for September. We had an exciting sports day at the Limes which unveiled their competitive side and abilities to collaborate as a team, along with some super sporting talent – definitely some future stars to look out for! Not to mention Brookfield house climbing their way to victory and claiming the ‘Transition Sports Day Trophy’.

The Spelling Bee, again earned Brookfield some well-earned points with More winning the title, they were absolutely Buzzzzing! We have some very talented academics joining us in September!

All the boys have completed their time capsules which will be buried in the school grounds until Year 11, they have learnt all about our Student Council, the Catholic Life of our school, about Anti Bullying and also all of the opportunities they have through morning reading and DEAR.  Our joint liturgy with St Anthony’s was a wonderful event to celebrate all of the boys and girls gifts and talents which we are truly thankful for.

The boys have truly had a great week, their visit to Newcastle University was an eye opener to the countless opportunities they have available to them in the future. We ended the week at Ashbrooke Cricket Club with a day of rugby, cricket, squash and boules demonstrating the wide range of enrichment activities available to the boys. It was a fun packed day, the sun shining and the air filled with laughs and cheers. The element of competition created and exciting buzz among us all. What a brilliant week!

We are so excited for September, see you all then.

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