The Riot Act

September 21, 2018

The Riot Act Performance

Year 7 have been treated to a performance by The Riot Act theatre company in conjunction with schools GoSmarter programme. The performance aims to educate its audience on the benefits of sustainable travel, including independence, brain stimulation, reduction in traffic on the roads and saving money. The show encouraged students to think of the benefits of walking, cycling and travelling by bus or metro.

The Riot Act brought active and sustainable travel to life through performance, song and audience interaction. Some facts the students learnt included the fact that only 2% of 8.3 million students travel to school using a bicycle, twenty minutes of cycling burns 100 calories and is great for mental health and 25% of all car journeys are under 2 miles.

The fun and lively performance took learning out of the classroom and into an environment where students could interact with the performers and learn in an engaging way.

The year 7s really enjoyed the show. The performers were excellent and the production was very cleverly put together to portray an important message about travelling sustainably to school. Now we hope the students put into practice what they learnt.

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