St. Aidan’s to Help Local Community this Christmas

November 8, 2017

St. Aidan’s is hoping to support the vulnerable and less fortunate members of the local community in Sunderland, in particular those who find themselves relying upon food banks this Christmas.

In the lead up to Christmas pupils and their families have been asked to send gifts of love in the form of Christmas hampers. As a school we will be working with Connect Network which is a network of Christians, churches and communities coming together to bring about transformation of Sunderland. (Please look at their website it includes information about the work they do, plus the Christmas Appeal and other great events in Sunderland).

There will be a group of sixth form pupils who are working towards their Pope John Paul II Award who will be taking on the responsibility for the collection of donated items from each form group and the coordination of the preparation of these hampers for distribution within the community.

We appeal to all our pupils and families to support this wonderful appeal by making donations from the suggested list and send then into school where form tutors will collect the donations.

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