Remembrance celebrations

November 12, 2019

The month of November offered an opportunity to remember those that paid the ultimate price for the freedom of others. To mark this, there was a lot going on within the academy:

  • Students sold poppies around the school and collected donations for the Royal British Legion.
  • Within MFL, some of our students analysed the specific events of the war and gained an understanding of why these men and women deserve to be remembered. Students created some beautiful remembrance poppies, which were on display in the upper room throughout the month of November.
  • Year 7 and 8 students produced some fantastic sculptures of remembrance for homework, which again were on display within the upper room.
  • Our ‘book of remembrance’ displaying the names of loved, lost family members and friends were on display throughout the month in our chapel.
  • At 11am on the 11th November, our community fell silent remembering all those that gave their lives to secure our freedom.

We couldn’t be more proud of the students within our school and how they understand the importance of remembrance.


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