CLIMB – Challenge

St Aidan’s is a Catholic learning community in which everyone is provided with the opportunity to flourish as a whole and complete person in a way that is rooted firmly in the values of the Gospel.

We truly believe that every individual is capable of excellence and we encourage you to be academically and physically challenged, fulfilling your potential to pursue your next steps in life, whether it be University or a high-quality career.

CLIMB – Leadership

We have the highest of expectations for every individual and our practices and routines demand and nurture a strong sense of moral purpose, personal responsibility, integrity, honesty and respect for others within our pupils. We provide many opportunities for our pupils to harness their leadership skills. Involvement in leadership activities can improve pupils’ learning as well as helping them to develop the skills and traits needed for success beyond life at St Aidan’s.

CLIMB – Integrity

Integrity is achieved by focusing on making connections for pupils, both in and out of the classroom, allowing them to engage in relevant, meaningful activities and discussions that can be connected to real life. By teaching integrity through our curriculum and our core values of hard work, trust and fairness, we aim to connect the ideas learned with practical, real-life knowledge and experiences.

CLIMB – Motivation

Intrinsic motivation produces pupils with a real interest in the subject matter who learn for learning’s sake. Our pupils enjoy exploring taught material and mastering it, gaining emotional and intellectual satisfaction from learning key concepts within the curriculum. At St Aidan’s we believe intrinsic motivation has lasting effects, often driving people to be lifelong learners and even leading them to careers they will enjoy in the future.

CLIMB – Belong

St Aidan’s is a Catholic learning community in which all individuals belong and are provided with the opportunity to flourish in a way that is rooted firmly in the values of the Gospel. By placing Christ at the centre of all that we do and recognising learning as the fundamental focus of all our work we are achieving our mission objective to ensure that each person can Celebrate life to the full’.

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