Our school prayer

Our school mission statement is based on the scriptural quote “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10. Our One Voice Impact pupil leadership group spent time reflecting on our school’s mission and together wrote our school prayer:

St. Aidan, bright flame of our school,

Help us to trust one another and bring fairness to our community.

Let us strive to work hard to ensure we can live life to the full.

Let there be peace in our school and let it begin with me.


Pupil leaders in our collaborative sixth form wrote their own prayer to reflect the heritage of both schools, the Sisters of Mercy and Edmund Rice.

Our Sixth Form prayer:

God of our journey

You encourage and guide us

to help make the world a better place.

Help us to take the right path for our future,

to be the best that we can be.

Inspire us to show mercy,

supporting those less fortunate than us.

Give us hope, perseverance,

and ambition to succeed.

If life’s journey becomes difficult,

we pray You enlighten our way.


St. Aidan and St. Anthony, pray for us.


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