Welcome to St. Aidan’s Catholic Academy
We are committed to the care and success of every boy in a way that is rooted in the values of the gospel. We expect the boys to set themselves high standards in their work, their extra-curricular activities and their relationships with others. We encourage them to do so and support them so that they will achieve. We will work with you to develop your child’s gifts, whatever they may be, so that he is well prepared to take a place in the adult world confidently.
St. Aidan’s has an outstanding reputation for academic achievement based on a consistent record of excellent examination results. We nurture individual pupils and encourage and assist each one to reach their full potential. Our personalised curriculum offers a vast range of learning opportunities.
Our enrichment programmes are extensive. These complement and extend the academic curriculum and include local and international projects, charity work and a wide range of sporting activities.
Our thriving Sixth Form greatly enhances the character of the school. The high staying-on rate from Year 11 to Year 12 is a testament to the very positive relationships which are established at St. Aidan’s. Our Sixth Form students enjoy a challenging and enriching curriculum which enables the great majority to go on to further study, including obtaining places on highly competitive Oxbridge and Medical courses.
Admissions Process
Children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 will be eligible to start secondary school in September 2025.
Children are no longer required to attend the closest secondary school to their home address. You can express up to 3 preferences for your child to be admitted into a secondary school of your choice. Our projected figures for September 2025 admissions shows there are places available to accommodate more children due to the lower birth rates in our traditional feeder primary schools and the fact that we have increased our capacity and therefore have increased the number of students we can admit. This means that there has never been a better time to apply to St. Aidan’s.
September 2025 appeals process
If it has not been possible to offer a place at the school, you have the right to appeal to an independent panel. You must request the appeal form directly from the school ( For September 2025 admissions, your appeal form should be completed and returned by no later than 1 April 2025 . If it is received after these dates, it may be heard after the other appeals. For more information on the appeals process, please visit or contact
Timeline for applications | |
w/c Monday 2 September 2024 | Information distributed to Y6 pupils by junior/primary schools. |
Monday 9 September 2024 | Online Portal available up until closing date. |
Monday 9 September – Friday 24 October 2024 | Open Evenings with prospective year 7 pupils. |
Thursday 31st October 2024 | National closing date for secondary applications. |
Monday 3rd March 2025 | National Offer Day All parents/carers that applied ‘on time’ will be notified where their child has been offered a place and information about any schools on their application where it has not been possible to offer a place. |
Friday 21st March 2025 | Parents/carers have until this date to accept the places they they have been offered. Online offers can be accepted within the Portal up to this date. After the Portal closes, places can only be accepted by email. If paper applications have been submitted, offers will be made by letter and an acceptance form included. |
May-25 | Appeals to be heard. |
Jun-25 | Appeals to be heard. |
Jul-25 | Appeals to be heard. |
In-Year Admissions
An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places. If you would like to apply for a place in Year 7 to 11 please complete Section A of the form below. This must then be given to your son’s current school, they will complete Section B and send the form to Sunderland Local Authority.
Secondary Transfer application – from September 2024
Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements for 2024 – 2025, will be applied. (See below). Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.
Once received, our Governors will make a decision on whether a place is available and if a place can be offered. If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list.
You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible. You must be informed of the outcome of your application within 15 school days of receipt, but the aim is to notify you of the outcome of your application within 10 school days of receipt.
You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful. If you would like to appeal a decision please email Mrs Hogg, who will provide you with the documentation to appeal. An appeal must be lodged at least 20 school days from the date of notification that your application was unsuccessful to prepare and lodge their written appeal. A reasonable deadline will be set for those making an appeal to submit additional evidence, for admission authorities to submit their evidence and for the clerk to send appeal papers to the panel and any other parties. You will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of your appeal hearing then a statement noting a decision letter will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing (wherever possible).
If you would like to know if we have spaces available or would like more about the school or the application process, please contact Mrs Hogg for admission to Year 7 – 11 or St Anthony’s for admission to Sixth Form.
We have a small number of spaces in some year groups.
Why should I consider an all boys’ school for my son?
- At St. Aidan’s, we recognise that boys learn differently from girls. Boys have been found to develop greater peripheral awareness than girls and so can by liable to distraction! Our teachers understand how boys learn and plan lessons to engage boys which include physical activity, multi-media stimuli, and debate and discussion. Because we understand boys, we can help them achieve optimal results.
- Boys respond well to structure and hierarchy and respond well to the high expectations we have as regards their behaviour at school.
- Boys mature later than girls do. Learning how to cope with and relate to girls on a daily basis in a coeducational setting can cause added stress in during the difficult teenage years. At an all boys’ school, pupils can get involved in all aspects of the curriculum and extra-curriculum, building their confidence without the social distractions inherent in a mixed setting.
- In a coeducational secondary school, boys often shy away from the arts and are more involved in the more traditional science subjects. At St. Aidan’s we see much more balance with English, History and Philosophy being among our most popular A level subjects. As a boys’ school we offer enhanced opportunities to take part in a wide variety of sports, in technology, computing and design as parents might expect, but our boys also are immersed fully in the arts – in music, art, and cookery. Boys’ schools can therefore offer a far more holistic approach.
- Not every boy can be a star athlete or footballer or measure up to Einstein! At St. Aidan’s, we recognise that competition is healthy and to be encouraged but our boys also learn that the strong bonds of friendship, teamwork and social interaction are what matter most in later life. Many of our former pupils look back with great fondness to their time at St. Aidan’s and give up their time to come and talk to the boys about the world of possibilities after school and their journey which started at St. Aidan’s.
If I’m not a Catholic, why would I send my son to a Catholic school?
The Latin motto of St. Aidan’s Catholic Academy is ‘Deus Lux nostra’ – God is our Light! It means that God will be with you, enlightening you with his wisdom. This also links closely with our Mission which is ‘We believe that God has created each person to celebrate life to the full”. This mission statement is based on John 10:10.
What are the benefits to our pupils of this mission?
Our three core values of Hard work, Trust and Fairness underpin out mission statement and are at the heart of everything we do. They motivate and inspire us to identify, value and maximise the talents of our pupils. Our mission statement helps to define us as a community: it makes us aware of the importance of faith and encourages us to value and appreciate the multi-faiths that are represented in our school and wider-community, as well as those families whom are of no faith; and it inspires us to a universal welcome to our community whatever your faith.
In practice, as a faith school we have a tradition of prayer, reflection and collective worship which is integral to all that we do. We don’t impose our beliefs on others, rather we show how strong a community we are through our shared values. So we will:
- Put the learning and progress of students first.
- Inspire them to be happy, healthy, confident, unique and tolerant individuals who flourish and achieve.
- Guide all to fulfil their potential spiritually, academically and socially.
- Promote their responsibility and resilience, diligence and determination, independence and enterprise.
- Encourage their originality and creativity.
- Care for them in a safe and equal environment
Admission Arrangements for St. Aidan’s Catholic Academy
St Aidan’s Catholic Academy Admission Policy 2026-27
St. Aidan’s Sunderland Admissions Policy 2025-26
St. Aidan’s-Sunderland Admissions Policy -2024-25
St Aidan’s Catholic Academy Sixth Form Admission Policy 2026-27
St. Aidan’s Sunderland Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2025-26
St. Aidan’s Sunderland Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2024 25