Core Routines and Learning Habits

Core Routines

St. Aidans Core Routines

Our 6 Learning Habits

To maintain the best possible culture for your child to learn in, we insist that our students adhere to 6 simple habits of excellence every day:

1.      No answering back

At St. Aidan’s students do not answer back or question the decision of teachers at any time. It stops others from learning and it undermines the scholarly and respectful atmosphere which we pride ourselves upon.

2.      Uniform

Uniform should comply with our clear uniform code at all times. This is because we want students at St. Aidan’s Catholic Academy to be proud and to feel part of our community. The dress code applies both within school and on the journey to and from school.

  • Students must be dressed properly in full school uniform.
  • Haircuts including stepped, undercut, tramlines, extremely close-cut styles (no-guard) or any pattern shaved into the hair or hair dye are not permitted. Long hair should be tied back from the face.
  • Trainers and boots must not be worn only formal black leather shoes, no suede.
  • House Badges should be worn on Left Lapel.
  • Shirts tucked in at all times.
  • Ties should be fastened up to the neck properly and reasonable length.
  • Coats should not be worn indoors and removed immediately on entry to the building.
  • Jewellery is not allowed in the Academy and will be confiscated for collection at the end of the school day by the student: wrist watches are allowed.
  • Every student should have a bag to carry books and equipment to and from school every day.
  • Students should be properly equipped for every lesson.
  • Students must bring the correct kit and equipment for PE and practical lessons.

3.      Homework

All homework should be completed on time and to a good standard, neatly and with pride. Please see the homework timetable in your son’s 100% book. Please sign the planner weekly. Homework club is available every night from 2.50pm in room 313/4. All homework must be completed for the right day and time. Please read additional information below.

4.      On-task

To reach the top of the mountain, we insist that all students are ‘on task’ or ‘tracking’ the teacher at all times. All lessons in the school are challenging, therefore it is vital that students focus for 100% of the lesson.

5.      Punctuality

We insist on punctuality to school and to each and every lesson. Every student should be on the school yard with all of the equipment they will need by 8.25 am each day. A student will be considered late if they do not arrive within 2 minutes to the start of each lesson. Please support this by keeping to reasonable bed-times and preparing in the morning before school. Your son may worry about this at first but he will soon pick up good habits.

6.      Equipment

We expect every student to carry a sensible and suitable bag containing the items listed below to every lesson. At first, you could help with packing your son’s school bag with the relevant books and equipment for the next day after reviewing his own timetable each night. The 100% Book is a vital document and students are expected to take great care of it. If the 100% Book is lost, a student will be expected to replace it at a cost of £8.

There are a number of items that students must bring to school daily:

A clear pencil case containing:

  • 2 black pens
  • 2 green pens
  • Pencils
  • Rubber
  • Ruler
  • Scientific Calculator
  • DEAR reading book
  • PE Kit (on the days they have PE)
  • Re-usable water bottle
  • Student Planner
  • 100% Book
  • Pocket Dictionary

St. Aidan’s Standard

Here at St. Aidan’s we have habits of excellence in all that we do. This includes how we present our work. We exemplify the quality of presentation that we expect to see in our books, with clear, direct instruction. All pupils strive to achieve the St. Aidan’s standard in their work.

St. Aidan’s Standard

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