Parent/Carer Support Offer Our school is offering support for parents and carers commencing January 2021 in the form of a four session programme of reflective groups led by a trained facilitator. The theme of the group beginning in January is ‘managing adolescent emotions.’ The sessions will provide some knowledge and understanding of adolescent development and […]
Pupil support service continue As we find ourselves in Lockdown 3 we thought it important to once again share the link to our Mental and Physical Health support information on our Academy website. Please take time to have a look. Mental and Physical Health Support – St. Aidan’s Catholic Academy St. Aidan’s Catholic Academy Support […]
Mass Testing Information and Consent As you are aware the Government have asked all schools to provide mass testing to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Please read this information and then use the survey monkey link to sign up to the mass testing programme. More detail is given in the letter however giving your […]
Return to school – January 2021 Parent / Carers, We have attached a letter which guides you through our return to school, along with a document on how your son will access his live lessons. Please read both documents carefully. Update on Return to School – 3rd January 2021 Protocol Remote Learning for Parents January […]
Return to school The following phased return will occur for pupils: Week beginning Tuesday 5th January 2021: Vulnerable children and children of key workers only. Week beginning Monday 11th of January 2021: Year 11 and 13, Vulnerable children and children of key workers Week beginning Monday 18th of January 2021: All pupils return full-time. Return […]
As we’re getting ever close to the Christmas break, we know just how exciting this time is for all of our pupils and their families. This year, more so than ever, people are looking forward to spending time with their loved ones, something the government has recognised and as such has eased the Covid restrictions […]
Procedures for Christmas We have attached a letter outlining the procedure that must be followed if $Forename$ tests positive for COVID-19 over the Christmas holidays. Please take time to read it and if needed during that time follow the outlined procedure. Stay safe, St Aidan’s COVID letter to parents – URGENT
We are excited to share the outcome of our trust-wide virtual choir which many pupils and staff have been working incredibly hard to create. Nearly 2,000 pupils from 12 schools both in our trust and some soon to join have performed the famous carol Angels We Have Heard On High, which was penned by Bishop […]
Advent On Monday 30th November 2020 our community came together to celebrate the start of Advent. Due to the current situation with COVID-19 we were unable to do this through our usual house liturgy, instead Father Russell joined us in our Chapel and live streamed this to the rest of the school. Thank you. We […]
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