Sun FM visited St Aidan’s today to record a group of year 7 pupils describing something for Sun FM listeners to guess for the chance to ring in and win a prize! We had some brilliant descriptive skills! A Leonard wowed us with a quote from a famous book ‘Marley was dead!’ (but which book was […]
Consultation on Admission Arrangements for St Aidan’s Catholic Academy – 2019/20 Where changes to admission arrangements are intended, all schools are required to consult before these are determined and published. The policy for consultation for 2019-20. Available by clicking link. The consultation will run from Monday 11th December 2017 – Monday 22 January […]
St Aidan’s Bake Off was a great success and pupils from years 7 to 11 worked together to create some tasty treats with a Christmas theme. The products that were made were sold to the rest of the school and the proceeds were donated to the school’s food bank appeal. The judging was difficult but […]
Sun FM came into school a few weeks ago to record our very own talented year 7’s singing a Christmas jingle to be played on the radio over the Christmas Period. We were chosen to sing ’19 Sleeps to go, 19 sleeps till Santa, 19 sleeps till the big fat fella comes down your chimney, […]
St Aidan’s Catholic Academy student J Callaghan, 16, has been chosen from thousands to be a regional youth board representative for National Citizen Service (NCS). 4,000 teenagers from the North East, and 100,000 nationally, took part in the 2017 NCS programme, with just 13 exceptional graduates chosen to join the regional NCS youth board. Josh […]
Julie Cullen and her colleague Leanne from Connect Network have visited St. Aidan’s to work with a group of year 12 pupils to show how they want the Christmas Hampers to be packed. The 12 pupils had a busy hour packing the hampers full of goodies from a well-stocked cupboard full of donations from the […]
On Saturday 25th November ten year 12 pupils headed to Newcastle Crown Court to compete in the prestigious bar mock trial. An early start was needed and we met at 8.15am at Newcastle Central before walking down to the quayside in the bitterly cold weather. The pupils were surprised at the security measures in place […]
Parents / Carers / Relatives and members of our local community – we need your help. Last year the Government promised to lift the 50% cap on faith admissions for new religious schools. This policy had proved to be an effective ban on any new Catholic schools as our Bishops ruled that opening a Catholic […]
As part of the General RE lessons which all Sixth Form pupils are required to attend, we have developed a project with a focus on Social Justice. The pupils began a placement in the Belle Vue Care Home, supporting the residents with simple acts of kindness, including making tea, having a chat and getting some life […]
LIVING LAB, UNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND On Wednesday 22nd November 15 of our Yr 9 pupils attended the “Discover Careers in Health” event. The event took place at the newly opened Living Lab at University of Sunderland which is home to the most advanced healthcare-industry simulation equipment, with interactive spaces and realistic settings. The purpose of […]
Despite spending the last ten weeks ‘giving’, this year’s Operation Christmas Child Shoebox appeal filled us all with the gift of humility, compassion and generosity. The pupils, staff, parents, local parishes, and even one of the local care homes, The Belle Vue, teamed up to prepare 218 shoeboxes to be sent away to those children, who […]
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