The MFL department arranged a visit to Seville on the 18th June 2018 for four nights, for those y10 students studying GCSE Spanish. This visit gave the students the opportunity to experience the south of Spain and its attractions including a day at Isla Magica theme park. Although Seville has a modern and cosmopolitan culture, […]
Inter-house piano recital Year 7 were treated to a fantastic piano recital on Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon began with the whole audience taking part in a performance of George Ezra’s Paradise. Then talented students from years 7 to 10 performed a composition of their choice for the captivated audience. The talent displayed by these students was […]
Message for year 11 MFL students and parents. Please follow this link in order to access past papers and answers for the last few years. Please bear in mind that the new course requirements/ exam structure are different now, however there is not yet available a wealth of past papers. This link will still provide […]
Ooo what a night on Friday May 11th 2018!!! Staff returned to school on the evening in fancy dress to finish off our Annual Fundraising Day which had included a non uniform day and a balloon release with a ‘Big Night In’ which this year was ‘That’s what I Call Music Theme 60s 70s 80s […]
This term’s topic for our Whole School Debate was ‘weapons’. After the most recent shocking events in America involving gun crimes, the pupils engaged in a thought-provoking and controversial discussion over the challenges of owning and using weapons, the legal system and the sources young people are influenced by, when forming their views on the rights to […]
After the success of the Christmas hamper appeal St. Aidan’s has continued its effort to collect food for the Connect Network food bank. Staff and students have continued to make donations in a variety of different ways. Some making monetary donations, others buying Mother’s Day cards and gifts – with the profits made used to […]
A group of year 7 boys were rewarded yesterday for all their hard work and independent learning on Doodle Maths over the last term. The boys have been coming into school early every morning before school to do independent learning using the maths app. Well done boys!
Well Done to three of our 6th form students who picked up awards at last nights Sunderland’s Young Achievers Awards, very worthy award winners. A Loadman – Winner – service to the community. S Ivory – Group Winner – service to the community. A Nair – Winner – Youth Arts. We are all very proud of you.
On 21st March 2018 a group of 30 Year 10 pupils from St Aidan’s and 30 pupils fromDt Anthony’s were involved in a workshop with Lucy, a graduate from Oxford University. Lucy is from North Yorkshire and studied History. Lucy talked to the group about the courses available to them as well as what it […]
On Wednesday 14th March 2018 a group of Year 8 and 9 pupils attended a STEM session at Sunderland University, what a day they had! They engaged in a range of activities from naming he bones, scientifically, to life saving CPR to practising the recovery position and programming robots – a competition that St Aidan’s […]
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