MFL Revision for Students

May 16, 2018

Message for year 11 MFL students and parents.

Please follow this link in order to access past papers and answers for the last few years.

Please bear in mind that the new course requirements/ exam structure are different now, however there is not yet available a wealth of past papers.  This link will still provide vital exam practice and it is imperative that over the half term,  students print out exam papers at their level (foundation or higher), sit a selection of papers, mark them and analyse how well they have done, noting and researching words and phrases that have caused problems.

NB: The old scheme did not have a final written paper so there are no old written past papers. To revise for this skill, students should revise key assessed paragraphs for all topics (found in  assessment exercises books) as there will be requirement to write essays on any of the key themes. Also, the students should use the translation booklet (provided in class) to revise translation skills. Finally, students should use the Edexcel writing target books (that have been provided earlier in the year) to fine tune their written accuracy.

Best of luck!

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