Mental Health Awareness Week
May 11, 2020
18th – 24th May 2020
The nation will be raising awareness of mental health during week beginning 18th May 2020 – the theme this year is ‘Kindness’. In normal circumstances, if we had been at school, we would have been making this our focus for the week, through assembly and tasks in lessons.
It is especially important during this period of lockdown when young people are feeling more anxious and isolated that Mental Health Awareness Week does not go by unnoticed.
This is where we ask for your help…
If you can, we ask that as family that you spend some time talking about mental health. It is important that we all, adults and young people feel mental health is something that can be discussed openly – we regularly raise this in school and the message that ‘it’s okay not to be okay’.
Since going into lock down we have shared a range of tips and tools on maintaining good mental health. The video below summarises how being in a good routine can help adults and young people to look after themselves during isolation.
As a school we expect kindness. It is something we talk about and role model each and every day. As a staff we have been working through our Kindness booklets, a simple gesture of kindness each day and feel that this would benefit all members of our community. During Mental Health Awareness week we ask that as a family you do the same.
We would like to collate all of the ‘kind’ things that you do. If you would like to share a photograph or a comment you can tag us on Twitter @St_Aidans_RC or on Instagram sacatholicacademy using the hashtag #bekind or email Mrs Hogg on
If you are interested in reading more about Mental Health Awareness Week you can here.