Meet our Team

January 12, 2023

The staff team at St Aidan’s all have one collective goal and that is to ensure that every young person summits their own personal mountain. We firmly believe that every member of our team is vital in making this happen. Often the jobs that go on behind the scenes set the tone for the quality of education that our pupils receive in the classroom and Lexy Donaldson showcases professionalism to every member of the community that she welcomes through our doors. Without Lexy our school wouldn’t function correctly. The shear number of life changing opportunities that the school provides is funneled through Lexy who process payments, deals with finance and ensures all pupils receive their statuary entitlement. Learning outside the classroom, which provides those life-long memories, is something we are passionate about – and Lexy allows it to happen. Whether it be finance, dealing with vacancies for the academy or ensuring the smooth running of the school on a day to day basis, Lexy epitomizes the caliber of staff that we have at St Aidan’s and her hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated.




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