Mass Testing

January 4, 2021

Mass Testing Information and Consent

As you are aware the Government have asked all schools to provide mass testing to help stop the spread of COVID-19.  Please read this information and then use the survey monkey link to sign up to the mass testing programme.

More detail is given in the letter however giving your consent will enable your son to be part of the testing programme.  If you consent he will be tested twice in school with a 3 – 5 day period between tests.  Moving forward, if at any point he is identified as a close contact of a positive test in school, rather than self isolating for 10 days he will be tested each morning for 7 school days before attending lessons.

Here we have provided:

The short deadline for completion of this survey and to consent to the mass testing programme is Tuesday 5th January 2021 at 6pm.

As you are aware, the information coming from the Government is every changing.  We will keep you up to date with any changes relating to this.

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