Reading and Phonics Support

Reading Interventions:

Within the curriculum, literacy support is rigorous and sequential to support the needs of individuals with particular attention on pupils who do not meet the national expectation at KS2. All pupils are screened at key points during the year to guarantee that we meet their individual literacy requirements.

Our goal is to ensure that all pupils have secure phonic knowledge, such as alphabet code knowledge, and secure phonic skills, such as segmenting, blending and phoneme manipulation. This will allow pupils to read with accuracy and automaticity, which further allows reading comprehension and fluency. Ultimately, secure phonic knowledge and skills gives pupils a way of decoding any unfamiliar word, ensuring that all pupils can access the full richness of the curriculum.

Data is regularly interrogated to assess pupils’ progress towards this goal. Our intervention programme aims to provide sufficient quality and quantity of practice, which will aid the pupils’ progressive fluency throughout their time at St Aidan’s and beyond. Our current literacy team comprises of Miss Sansom, Miss Underbjerg, Mrs Naile and Mrs Wheeler.

For some pupils, literacy is a barrier to learning; these pupils will receive an individualised programme from the following interventions:

Need Support Year 
To develop independence in reading; tracking reading ages across the year and identifying reading needs. Reading Programmes Yr 7-13
To develop independence in silent reading pace and comprehension Reading Plus Yr 7-11
To support fluency in reading aloud, and to develop comprehension 1:1 Rasinski Fluency Sessions Yr 7-11
**To develop the phonic knowledge required to read and access the curriculum 1:1 Small group – ‘Sounds Write’ Yr 7-11
To develop the phonic knowledge required to read and access the curriculum Lexia Yr 7-9
To support literacy across the curriculum 1:1 bespoke support from Sounds Write/English trained specialists Yr 7-9
To develop cursive handwriting Handwriting Group Yr 7-11

** For Sounds Write Support the first step is a diagnostic test which identifies the specific area of segmenting, blending and phoneme manipulation which requires support.

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