GCSE Results Day 2020

August 20, 2020

Results 2020

St Aidan’s Catholic Academy are incredibly proud of the results achieved at both A Level and GCSE.

Students have faced huge uncertainty since March in very difficult circumstances and although the  use of centre assessed grades may not sit well with some people and poses many unanswered questions, at St Aidan’s we are confident the process that we followed in the calculation of grades was fair, robust and appropriate for our young men.

The decision to honour the centre assessed grades not only recognises the hard work of our teachers and demonstrates respect for their judgements but also the unwavering hard work and commitment of all our students who have been rewarded appropriately for their efforts and can now move onto to the next stage of their journey – the doors are now open and the future is very bright.

We are truly delighted that our boys’ commitment to excellence and hard work has been rewarded fairly and they can now continue to climb the next stage of their mountain.


Overall results were outstanding as was predicted throughout the cohort’s journey. We were aware that we had something special in January when our Year 11s sat full mocks in exam conditions; we were incredibly impressed with the outcomes and proud of the mature approach our students took. Within the results there are some notable achievements: one student in particular achieving ten Grade 9s – the highest grade students can attain. As a year group, over three quarters (76%) of our students have achieved the strong pass in both English and Maths as well as performing equally strongly in facilitating subjects such as science, humanities and languages.

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