Easter Ideas and Recipes

April 3, 2020

Easter ideas and Recipes

St Leonard’s Primary School have kindly shared resources they have put together for the whole of St Aidan’s Catholic Academy to use.

Try some Easter activities with your children and other members of your family.  Why not have a competition with your wider family and show your work / results via Facetime.  We would also love to see the results via Twitter @St_Aidans_RC or by tagging up us in on Instagram at sacatholicacademy

Easter project

Also with the launch of the National voucher scheme for any children in receipt of Free School Meals from week beginning 20th April 2020, St Leonard’s have also shared how you can plan dinners using the £15 per week that you will receive.  Take a look.  We have also added some delicious recipes that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Meal planner


spaghetti and meatballs

spaghetti carbonara

toad in the hole

veg soup

Thank you to the staff at St Leonard’s Primary school for sharing.

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