Information for Employers


At St Aidan’s we are working continuously to build positive working relationships with local business and employers within our local community. We work closely with our enterprise advisor, Jack Deverson, the NELEP and local businesses to enhance our curriculum and enrichment programme, and to secure work placements for our year 10 and year 12 cohort. As an academy, we hold a yearly business breakfast to share our vision and careers programme with local business’ and to build further contacts within the community.


Boost young people’s understanding of jobs and careers

Broadening and raising career aspirations and supporting young people to make decisions on what to study, where to study, and how hard to study. The future talent for local employers!

Providing the knowledge and skills demanded by the contemporary labour market

Helping young people to build the employability skills that modern workplaces need for their business to thrive.

Providing the knowledge and skills demanded for successful school-to-work transitions

Giving young people relevant work experiences as well as practical insights into how recruitment processes work and contemporary workplaces operate.

Enriching education and underpinning pupil attainment

Using employers to support teaching resources for the classroom and helping young people to see the connection between what they learn at school and employment outcomes

4 or more encounters with employers means young people will go on to earn more and have less chance of becoming NEET

Click on the learning journey below for a detailed overview of the events/activities taking place this academic year with Yr7- Yr13 pupils.

If you would like to discuss the possibility of working in partnership to support our young people please contact Mrs. Osmialowski, Careers Leader.



We work closely with our Alumni to share their journey and inspire our boys to reach the top of their mountain. We would like to invite former students to sign up to our alumni programme, Future First, so that we can keep in touch and let you know how you can give back to your school. We will share news and updates, and hopefully you can return to share your story and inspire the younger generation!


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