Business Enterprise


All businesses need enterprising employees to drive their organisations forward, to have ideas and initiatives to instigate growth, and to ensure that businesses survive in this fast-changing world. Enterprise is a key government focus and is set to form an important part of the UK’s global economic status, both now and in the future. Enterprise skills provide a fantastic progression pathway into a number of roles in an organisation and are transferable into all businesses. Study of this sector at Key Stage 4 will complement GCSE study through providing an opportunity for practical application alongside conceptual study. There are also strong opportunities for post-16 progression in this sector.

Curriculum Intention:

The Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. The main focus is on the knowledge, understanding and skills required to research, plan, pitch and review an enterprise idea that includes:

  1. Development of key skills that prove aptitude in planning an enterprise activity, including market research, planning, carrying out financial transactions, communication and problem solving.
  2. Knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, such as the features and characteristics of enterprises and entrepreneurs, and the internal and external factors that can affect the performance of an enterprise.
  3. Attitudes and ways of working that are considered most important for enterprise, including monitoring and reflecting on performance of an enterprise idea and own use of skills.

Curriculum Design

Business Curriculum Learning Journey with assessment overview

Course Information

GCSE Course Information

For more information about our sixth form course provision please follow the link below:

A – level Course Information:

Courses « St. Anthony’s & St. Aidan’s Catholic Sixth Form (


In Enterprise, the curriculum will be implemented through the study of Exploring Enterprises, Planning and Pitching an Enterprise and Promotion and Finance. We study these areas to comply with exam board expectations. We also use a range of local enterprise who visit the academy for 1:1 or marketplace events. These are then used as case studies for coursework units.

The three areas will be assessed through:

Component 1 – Exploring Enterprises. Internally assessed.

Learning Aim A – Examine characteristics of an enterprise

Learning Aim B – Explore market research

Learning Aim C – Factors that contribute to the success of an enterprise

Component 2 – Planning and Pitching an Enterprise – Internally assessed.

Learning Aim A – Ideas and plan for a micro enterprise

Learning Aim B – Pitch a micro enterprise

Learning Aim C – Review

Component 3 – Promotion and Finance. Externally assessed.

Learning Aim A – Promotion

Learning Aim B – Financial records

Learning Aim C – Financial planning and forecasting


St Aidan’s Catholic Academy considers the greatest impact of the curriculum to be high rates of student progress.

Progress in:

  1. The development of core knowledge and understanding, including the range of enterprises and the key features and factors that contribute to an enterprise’s level of success.
  2. The development and application of skills such as analysing research, information, planning and financial forecasting, communicating and problem solving.
  3. Reflective practice through pitching an idea for an enterprise activity that allows learners to reflect on their own communication skills and the viability of their enterprise activity following feedback.




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