Lego Competition
December 11, 2019
Lego at Nissan
A group of Year 8 boys have today been to Nissan for a Lego Competition. They were absolutely outstanding and have modelled our core values every step of the way. Sadly they didn’t get 1st or 2nd place to win a space in the final but they did receive this years judges award for their fantastic attitude and for the amazing job they did in all areas of the competition, overcoming adversity along the way and proving that hard work and commitment really do pay off.
Other schools had in excess of 12 weeks to do what our boys have achieved in only 4 showing just how special a group they are.
Proud is an understatement right, we are beaming from ear to ear. Mrs Nipper said, “I have been on a lot of visits over the years for a range of activities but I can hand on heart say I have never been on a visit like this. From the second we walked through the door the boys had me bursting with pride”.
Well done to you all!